Physical, Emotional & Spiritual Healing & Self Realization with Allison Lasky

 If you want to receive information for coming events, please call or e-mail to be added to the mailing list. 

Previous Events:

September 2023

Fall Equinox in the Garden

Where: Santa Fe Botanical Garden

When: Monday September 18, 2023 from 10:45 am - 12:15 pm Fee: $20 garden members, $25 non-members

Bring: Pen, notebook, 1 yoga mat & 1 blanket or 2 blankets to lay on and for props, shoes easy to get on and off and still walk comfortably in, a harvest gift

*Make sure to see details below.

To sign up go here.

Gather to explore this time of equal light and dark in the change of seasons. We will nurture deep grounding, bringing balance and reflection at this time of transition honoring the elements of harvest, letting go and what we are tending as we move into the Fall and Winter.

Allison leads intuitively, tuning the experience to the group. We’ll enjoy slowing down, spending time in movement and stillness. This may include qigong and explorative movement and taking time to reflect in the garden bringing this back to gather, write and have opportunity to share. We will also celebrate with a harvest gift exchange.


Please be present settled in to begin at 10:45 am.

If you need to use the restroom they are located at the front before entering the garden or up the path to the left of the Pavilion.

Please turn off phones or turn on airplane mode for our time together.

We will have a harvest exchange. Each person may bring something to give and pick something to receive.

Bring something simple you have created or grown that represents something you have harvested in the recent season or year so far. This could be a poem, a card or other expression of your art, anything you would like to celebrate and share. If something edible or from you garden, please preferrably bring organic. You can put your name on your gift or leave it anonymous.

Other Previous Offerings:

If you are interested in any of the following, please call or e-mail to find out more.

“Qigong & Healing From Within” is held weekly on Thursdays from 10:30am-12pm MST, US. Online on Zoom. *1st class FREE. $15 drop in. 5 class pass for $65 or 10 class pass for $120. *Passes good for 6 months.

Join us to explore an eclectic, intuitive blend of qigong, yoga and shamanic healing. Cultivate energy and consciousness for physical, emotional and spiritual healing and self-realization. Nourish a profound sense of stability, inner strength and deep relaxation.

Practices follow the seasons, connecting with nature and includes simple yet powerful qigong forms, gentle yoga, breathwork, sound healing, exploration of movement, acupressure and meditation.

“For those of you who yearn to go deeper, who like to meditate and drop discursive thoughts, Allison's Qigong class is a great support. She gently works out the body and calms the mind, moving energy and bringing healing. Allison guides you to inner space where you connect with your deeper nature of open heart-mind.”

Debra Snyderman, Santa Fe, NM, US

Bone Breathing Qigong

Bone Breathing is a Nei Kung internal alchemy practice.  Nei Kung practices are focused on transformation through inner directed awareness, therefore there is less emphasis on external movements.  It assists in refining our awareness, cultivating healing energy and getting well grounded in the body.  Some benefits of Bone Breathing are building yin, increasing bone density, replenishing marrow and purifying the blood.  This is an excellent practice for anyone doing healing work or if you have bone, joint or blood issues.

This practice can be powerfully nourishing at any time of year. It is particularly helpful to support the water element and the inward, replenishing time of winter.  The Nei Kung oriented approach is tremendously beneficial in developing focus and sensitivity for those of you who are doing journeywork and other healing work with me or on your own.

This practice can be done standing, sitting or lying down with simple movements or being still.

Energy Healing & Restorative Yoga

Allison provides hands on and group energy healing while you relax deeply in restorative poses and during guided and silent meditation.

These healing sessions include Restorative Yoga to allow the body and mind to release and open.  Find center and deepen awareness to initiate healing and delight in profound relaxation. 

Restorative Yoga involves supported poses done mostly reclining, seated or lying down with the use of props so the body can completely let go.  This facilitates rest for the body as well as replenishing your energy as ground, relax and open.  Some qigong may be included though less prominently.   Allison guides in an intuitive, organic way as she brings deep listening to the group and flows with the experience.  This exploration of what we unfold together will be what reveals the course of the session.  This will be an opportunity for you to learn some valuable poses and approaches to work with on your own.